2014. augusztus 22., péntek

Study Japanese in Japan

Why would students from your country choose Japan? Why would students from your country choose Japan?

1) Studying Japanese brings career opportunities for international business.
2) By studying Japanese, students in various fields besides business (tourism, journalism, science, technology, humanities, and social sciences) will build strong foundations for their future career.
3) Students can learn Japanese culture, which is very different and unique, through studying Japanese language.
4) Because Japanese language and culture is so different, learning Japanese helps students learn about their own language and culture.
5) Studying Japanese helps study other academic subjects.
6) Japanese language education has been growing in other countries.
7) For some students, studying Japanese contributes to retaining cultural heritage.
 8) Students can go to Japan to teach English through the program supported by government.
9) Students can go to Japan to study Japanese.
10) Japanese for employment in Japan.


"Yomeiri-Fune" Wedding Boats at Sawara Municipal Aquatic Botanical Garden ~ Katori City, Suigo and Tsukuba Quasi-National Park, Chiba Prefecture. The blooming of the irises & the tradition of Yomeiri-Fune (嫁入り舟), also know as marriage boats. It is a traditional that was almost lost, but has been revived in Chiba and Ibaraki prefectures. It’s a beautiful sight that recreates the now outdated practice of a bride in a traditional white bridal kimono carrying their belongings to their new home by boat. The Suigō Sawara Aquatic Botanical Garden (水郷佐原水生植物園 Suigō Sawara Suisei-shokubutsu-en) is a botanical garden opened in 1969, with 1,500,000 plants of 400 species of iris and over 300 species of lotus, the largest number in Japan.

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